Tuesday 3 November 2009

A bra and brief(s) manifesto

Yes, it has finally happened... we, the friendly, comfy bra and pant gurus here at Bodas, have jumped on to the blogging bandwagon. We're taking it slowly, meaning no tweeting as of yet (I hear your collective sigh of relief) and I guess our plan is to keep you, our loyal customers, our new customers, and the inevitable blog voyeurs, up-to-date on all things Bodas. Not the day-to-day minutiae of running an underwear empire, but, you know, exciting news about new shapes/colours/fabrics that we have in the pipeline... And, if we could get some feedback, that would be even better, as we're always keen to hear what new colour or style you're dying to see added to our collection. So don't be shy - leave a comment and let us know what you think!